Education & Resources
Learn What To Do If You Can’t Sleep Because Of Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is more common than you think. With almost one out of every 17 American suffering from this sleep disorder, you aren’t alone. At Advanced Sleep Medicine Services, Inc. (ASMS), we want to help you learn more about how to identify whether you suffer from a sleep disorder, the risks of leaving sleep apnea untreated, and how to get the help you need to be able to achieve a sound night’s sleep. Rely on our sleep doctors to help you answer all these questions, and more!
What Is Sleep Apnea?
During obstructive sleep apnea—the most common form of sleep apnea—tissue in the back of the throat collapses into the airway, blocking the breath. This soft tissue includes the tongue, soft palate, tonsils, and adenoids. When you fall asleep, your throat muscles relax. This can cause the tissue to sag into your throat, blocking the airway. When the airway is entirely blocked, an apnea occurs.
When breathing stops, it sends a signal to the brain to wake you up. When you’re repeatedly woken over and over again, it is impossible to achieve the restful sleep you need. The result is that you won’t feel like yourself—you’ll be slower mentally, feel drowsier, suffer memory issues, and feel physical symptoms like muscle aches, headaches, and even twitches or tremors. You will also be at risk for much more significant illnesses, like diabetes and cardiac issues. Learn more about how harmful sleep apnea can be when left untreated.
Why Is Sleep So Important?
During sleep, our bodies change: our internal systems get to work repairing our immune systems, healing wounds, flushing our brains, and boosting our memory function. At the same time, our temperature decreases by one to two degrees, breathing slows and becomes more regular, and blood pressure and heart rate decrease.
If you’re not sleeping, you’re getting very low quality sleep, or you wake up after a full night’s rest feeling just as tired as you were the night before, you might be suffering from a sleep disorder. Find out why sleep is so important to our health and relationships.
Are Sleep Disorders Keeping You Up At Night?
Sleep apnea is just one of the many sleep disorders that Americans are living with. Did you know that there are over 100 different types of sleep disorders, including snoring, which affects up to 45 percent of the population? That’s a staggering figure—and doesn’t even include other, more complex and less obvious sleep disorders. Learn more about snoring, sleep apnea, and more.
Would You Benefit From a Sleep Study?
When you’re trying to do determine what to do if you can’t sleep, it might be time to consider a sleep study. Sleep studies can help diagnose whether you’re suffering from a sleep disorder, and help your sleep doctor determine the best course of treatment.
Learn more about whether you’d benefit from a sleep study—take the quiz now!
Still Wondering About What To Do If You Can’t Sleep?
ASMS has developed a wide variety of resources to help you answer any other questions you might have about sleep apnea, what to do if you can’t sleep, and the best treatment to address your sleep disorder. Discover more resources, or schedule a consultation today!