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Provent® 90-Night Treatment Pack



Provent Sleep Apnea Therapy is a disposable, nightly-use nasal device placed just inside the nostrils and held securely in place with hypoallergenic adhesive.

Provent Sleep Apnea Therapy is a simple and effective treatment for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). In clinical studies, Provent Sleep Apnea Therapy demonstrated significant improvements across all levels of OSA severity.

This item requires a prescription.

List Price:$197.97 Our Price:$179.97

Product Description

Provent Sleep Therapy is a clinically proven treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Provent Therapy is an FDA cleared, prescription-only device that utilizes nasal EPAP (expiratory positive airway pressure) to treat all levels of severity of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

This 90-night treatment pack includes 90 individually wrapped sets of Provent adhesives. One set is used per night. This standard treatment pack is intended for someone who has already tried Provent therapy and found it suitable. If this is your first time using Provent, the manufacturer suggests you start with the starter kit.

The Advantages of Provent Therapy

Provent Sleep Apnea Therapy is a disposable, nightly-use nasal device placed just inside the nostrils and held securely in place with hypoallergenic adhesive.

Provent uses a proprietary MicroValve design that creates pressure when you exhale to keep your airway open. Provent is small and disposable, making it discreet and very convenient. If you’re looking for an alternative to CPAP, ask your doctor if Provent Sleep Apnea Therapy could help. Provent is:

  • Easy to Use
  • FDA Cleared
  • Clinically Proven
  • Effective for Mild, Moderate and Severe OSA
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Portable and Ideal for Travel


Provent is the Clinically Proven CPAP Alternative
The Provent device has been evaluated in multiple published studies including a 19 center, randomized controlled trial published in the journal SLEEP. Provent Sleep Apnea Therapy may be an ideal treatment option for your patients who have rejected or are non-compliant with CPAP, or who just prefer an alternative sleep therapy treatment that doesn’t require the inconvenience of masks and machines.

Provent Works Across All OSA Severities1
Provent Therapy safely and effectively treats mild, moderate and severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), showing significant improvement in AHI across all severities (P 55% in all severities.

Key Publications
Clinical Articles, Case Studies, Posters & Videos

Helpful Videos

Provent Therapy - An Introduction to the Proven CPAP Alternative


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